Thursday, August 09, 2007

Just some thoughts part II

pos ya que estamos en esto de Bloggear:

- Yesterday Panem et circenses; Today Beer and Soccer

- For me, as for master J.R.R Tolkien, life is my own adventure of love, epics, learning and discovery

- I am Beren; who wants to be my Luthien

- Televisa's Soap Operas can be understood by anyone, where Neon Genesis Evangelion can only be understood by Homo-Sapiens (Emphasis in sapiens please)

- to destroy any collective believing, one must know it, and understand it.

- That's the reason I read THE BIBLE

- The Bible was written by Man

- The Apocrypha of the Bible were written by God... or maybe his son

- If I have a daughter, I'll name her Lilith

- If I have a son, I'll name him Kaine... or Caín

- God bless My will to not having sons!

- The only way of North dakota and South Dakota solve their differences to being one big Dakota, can be only by help of...

- Fairly OddParents!!!!!!!!

- I cried the day the World knew Salma Hayek was pregnant

- A Mexican in a mexican prison costs a free Mexican $180 mexican Pesos (circa $18 dollars)

- A Mexican in an American Prison is a myth

- The Monster of Loch Ness is a myth

- Myths are created by men, to fullfill an innate inferiority complex

- I hate August; is the month between July and September

- And in September AVATAR, HEROES, SMALLVILLE, and CSI start their new seasons!

- I saw the movie 300 thirteen times in a movie theatre

- That breaks the record of THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS, which I saw 6 times

- I almost cried when Kyle Rayner was possesed by Parallax

- I realize that I'm a Green Lantern Geek

- thanks for your time

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