Thursday, July 20, 2006

the Death of Mala-io and the Ruin of Naqoyqatsi

Debido a una situación fuera de mi control, La cuenta de SWG que contenía a Mala-io Malakara, mi Jedi, ha quedado cancelada... por lo que he tenido que escribir su muerte:

After Traveling disntant from home guided by the Holocron he found, Mala-io was on his way of becoming a Jedi Knight, meeting in the process another Force Sensitive: Naqoyqatsi (Escrito en el Galaxies Naquoy Qatsi debido a que el nombre original ya está apartado)

The Young Zabrak, named Naqoyqatsi after the brave hero of the Sith wars, is in secret a Hand of Darth Vader, sent to Tatooine in search of Luke Skywalker, Vader's Son.

The Two made a solid friendship, but Naqoyqasti always kept in secret to Mala-io who is he working for.

The two friends took different paths when the Holocron guided mala-io to the crystal cave on Naboo.

In the Process Mala-io met another partner in PEJE LAGARTO a Trandoshan Commando and Pilot of the KOCHEJITO BLANKO (Which in Trandoshan means "Ship with abscence of Color")

Peje Helped Mala-io reach Naboo and the crystal caves (Peje is one of the few sentient beings in the Galaxy with knowledge of this caves).

Peje Returned to Tatooine just to know that the Valarian Pirates were planning an Assault to Fort Tusken and reclaim it as their new Fortress.

Peje Inmediately adivised Mala-io (Raised a Tusken Raider) about the invasion plans.

Mala-io stole a ship in Theed and Departed to Tattooine on the double, arriving just two hours before the Valarian Invasion.

Wearing the Traditional Tusken Clothes, Mala-io stood with his Kind as one of them.

Valarians never expected a Lightsaber in the arsenal of the Sandpeople, nor a Jedi in the ranks.

Witnesses of the Battle in Crista Galli (The City nearest to Fort Tusken) describe the scene:

"We could only see a yellow light moving foth and back the ranks of the Valarians, it was a Tusken, a Tusken using the Lightsaber as a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic... then after a few hours of battle, a light brighter than the Twin suns appeared where the Tusken with the Saber was, after it was gone, we could only see hundreds of Valarians lying on the nears of the fort... and the ones who survived, running from the Tuskens, and a Black figure".

indeed, Mala-io was the One Tusken who defeated those Valarians invaders, and just before the moments of his death, he became one with the Force, unleashing it, and taking a few hundred of Valarian troops with him.

Naqoyqatsi arrived as soon as he could to fort Tusken, he was in Jabba's Palace when he heard about about Mala-io defending his people...

Naqoyqatsi only arrived to see his friend in the floor, dead.

Naqoyqatsi felt anger, anger for the Tuskens who let Mala-io die, anger for the Valarians who started this mess, anger for himself, for letting a friend die alone.

Naqoyqatsi carried his friend from the floor, and screamed in anger, and sadness.

The Tusken took this as the moment for coming out of the Fort and make a full scale attack to the remaining Valarians... moments after... Naqoyqatsi Used Force Lighting against Valarians and Tuskens as well... His rage took him to Dark Side of the Force, Fullfilling his path as a Hand of a Sith Lord.

"Get Away you freaks, get away from him" Naqoyqatsi cried... "You will not have him, you will not take my friend away from me".

Hours Later, Naqoyqatsi arrived to his house near Mos Eisley, whre he buried his friend Mala-io, in respect for the friendship and the respect they showed for each other.

"There is a Tusken Legend, of one of their kind using a weapon as bright as Ro (The suns of Tattooine in Tusken), the legend says that the defender of their people will die against the deadliest of the threads for the tribe... but he will come back from the dead... the day his people need him again"

Naqoyqatsi continues his Dark path in search of Skywalker.

Peje Lagarto continues making his way across the Galaxy

And Mala-io rest, waiting for the day, his people need him again... in the meantime... some Tusken Speaks with each other about a Ghost in fort Tusken... a Ghost who doesn't Scare... but reliefs them.

I don't Want it Anymore

WoooooW!!! llevaba un raaaato de no blogear!

Pues si eres de los nulos entes vivientes que sigue estos escritos sin sentido, pues lo último que escribí fué hace como 2 meses.

Mi life:

Nuts! Estoy a unas cuantas semanas de acabar mi servicio social, y ya estoy hasta la madre de los laboratorios de cómputo de la ULA, cualquier laboratorio, no quiero verlos nunca mas.

Mi Powerbook se chingó toditita, dejándome sin un portafolio de carrera que presentar par pedir trabajo, sin música, y lo peor de todo, sin muchos recuerdos que tengo guardados en 80 GB.

Mi compu lleva 1 mes en reparación y no encuentro cuando me la den.

He tenido malos días últimamente, de no ser por Gaby que hace que mi vida tenga algo estable.

Espero poder aguantar hasta mi viaje a Portland... si es que se hace.